The #MeToo Movement hasn't gone away.
Rose McGowan, almost single-handedly, orchestrated a world-changing "Patriarchal Propaganda Apocalypse" - that was, unsurprisingly - derailed by an angry, entitled man. Because he wore a dress, everyone went silent. Except some other men in dresses, who spoke up in her defence. Misogynists were pleased by its derailing; they tried to say that #MeToo was a "psy-op" - even though women have not stopped talking about rape since it ruined their lives. Then #TimesUp came along to disrupt the #MeToo Event by essentially telling women: "Simmer down, gals; we've got this." #TimesUp was the Corporate-Sponsored version of Activism, which is, essentially, nothing; just more propaganda. Then, suddenly: everyone forgot what a woman was. What propaganda is; what psychological warfare is; what reality is; and what sexual assault is. Rose's Independent Movement was called #RoseArmy. That was her movement, that she started. To loosely paraphrase her, one day she realised she had more followers than a prominent Public Servant, and realised it was her duty to Serve the Public, responsibly. Her colleague and on-screen sister-witch, Alyssa Milano, helped to boost and platform Rose's Movement, by sharing a post that said asked survivors of sexual abuse to reply with: #MeToo. Which went viral. Then it turned out, 10 years ago, a woman named Tarana Burke had started a movement called #MeToo, because of the guilt she felt when a young girl opened up to her about her abuse, and Tarana couldn't bring herself to say: "Me, too." Rose remains committed to her #RoseArmy, and Tarana and Alyssa to #MeToo. So, you see, women - violated - converged, and a Movement was born. This is not a psy-op, this is reality. Anyway, I'm still angry. If you are, too, you might like these quotes below, by Rose McGowan.
Due to my own trauma that is no secret, I might have forgotten if I had extracted all of her quality quotes from various interviews, articles, and audio, so maybe there will be more to come.
I once wrote a piece about Rose's Apocalypse, and intended to write a Part Two, but again, I have not been able to because of the constant emergency of physical and psychological harm against women. It basically carried on from Part One, where I sensed Lilith conjunct Galactic Centre during the #MeToo Event; Saturn and Lilith were conjunct at Galactic Centre, and the last time that happened, was the night of the first Academy Awards. And the arrest of Billie Holiday and her mother for Prostitution, earlier that month, when Billie was just 14. So you can see the pattern here, beginning to emerge; of the birth of the Propaganda Machine that Rose McGowan shattered and exposed, and the punishment of vulnerable women and girls, for the crimes, actions, and behaviours of men. One full Saturn/Lilith/Galactic Centre cycle later, and the spell was broken. By Rose McGowan and her #RoseArmy. ?
A Reminder of what Lilith and Galactic Centre represent, from Part One.
Rose McGowan has her Sagittarius Moon and Lilith conjunct Galactic Centre.
When the Pandora Papers story hit the news, reporters were saying: "biggest leak in history!", "almost 3 terabytes of data", and I remembered that Mercury Retrograde is notorious for "REvealing Secrets"...!
(almost any "Re" word you can think of will describe the effects of a Mercury Retrograde) Naturally, as an Astrologer, I also wondered what Asteroid Pandora was up to...? Sure enough; Mercury Rx and Pandora were conjunct in Libra! Are journalists into Astrology, or was this just Asteroid Magic? Apparently, they didn't choose the name based on the Astrology. The Astrology just reflects the event. Asteroids are *so* crazy like that... The ICIJ said about it: We call the project Pandora Papers because this collaboration builds upon the legacy of the Panama and Paradise Papers, and the ancient myth of Pandora’s Box still evokes an outpouring of trouble and woe. Pandora: In Greek mythology, Pandora was the first human woman created by Hephaestus on the instructions of Zeus. As Hesiod related it, each god cooperated by giving her unique gifts. Her other name—inscribed against her figure on a white-ground kylix in the British Museum—is Anesidora, "she who sends up gifts". Wikipedia
We are currently in Mercury Retrograde - a great time for me to revisit my Blog - it's in Libra, from 27th September - 18th October, 2021.
While Libra is ruled by Venus, my friend actually thinks Libra is probably co-ruled by Themis: Goddess of Natural Law and Divine Order. (Asteroid #24) Venus rules both Taurus and Libra, just as Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo. But we Love to discuss the evolution of Astrology, and much in the way that Chiron co-rules Virgo, I can see how how Themis might co-rule Libra. My friend suggests that Taurus is the real earthy, sensual, material aspect of Venus, but Libra is the more cerebral, diplomatic aspect, frequently found seeking Justice, in ways that Taurus just isn't interested in. Taurus is happy with 60/40 their way. Celebrity Justices include Rose McGowan's Venus in Libra conjunct Revolutionary Uranus, and Kim Kardashian's Sun in Libra shining a light on unjust prison sentences. So yeah, I can see it in them, and in The Pandora Papers: the secret finances, and off-shore bank accounts of the world's richest, most powerful and influential people, who may or may not be using that money unjustly. Being an Air Sign, I often find Libra in Admin Roles: Paperwork With really pretty or manicured nails. Venus also rules Money and Riches, so we see that influence, here. Mercury definitely rules "papers" - it may even be one of its keywords! Papers, Mind, Details, Stationary, Hands and Handiwork, Thoughts, Communication, and Commerce. We know that Money, managed equitably, could fix a lot of problems in this world. But for now, it's a Pyramid of Power, with men at the top, and Amazon Affiliates at the bottom. A Retrograde reaches back, into the secret-lair of a sign: old paperwork. As for Pandora... if you didn't grow-up around a fire, with wine and myths, maybe you don't know who, or what, Pandora and her box represents. In Greek, Pandora means: "All Gifts". Pan - All Dora - Gifts The Gods made her as bait for their revenge-box, and gifted her with all of their qualities. Hence her name, All gifted. In Astrology, Pandora is the can of worms; the hornet's nest, stirred up. The cat let out of the bag. So, Zeus - this Greek god - filled a box with sickness, disease, and evil, basically trolling humans for their curiosity and desire for knowledge. It was a revenge-box because OG Prometheus gave this human guy the knowledge of Fire, and the gods think humans are too stupid to have things, because they use them for destructive purposes. Zeus really had it in for this guy, so he created a really hot, gifted chick as bait - Pandora - gifted with all the traits of the Olympian Gods. Including curiosity. So Pandora was sent to Earth as the bait with the revenge-box, and she was told to never open it under any circumstances whatsoever - but, of course, the key was around her neck. So... She married the human guy and everything, but was obsessed with opening/not-opening the box. Hermes told her the box was a wedding present, and even though Prometheus had warned the human guy that Zeus had it in for him and to never accept anything from Zeus, ever, they must have forgot, or believed Hermes; it had been so long. So of course she snuck a peek inside for just a second - but it was too late: all these diseases and evil (bad news) escaped and poisoned the world. But at the bottom of the box, was a Light: "Hope". Everything that's bad and evil in the world is because Pandora opened this revenge-box. If you look closely at John William Waterhouse's painting of Pandora, you'll see toxic-smoke escaping out the corner Pandora is basically Eve, and the box is basically the apple. Pandora and Eve are "supposedly" the first woman on Earth, whose curiosities doom man and earth to ruin. Or: do these female archetypes expose the truth of man's ignorance? God wants you dead. Specifically Zeus, but Hermes was into it, too. So, another misogynistic tale blames woman for ALL of god and man's evils. But there's alway Hope - that dangling carrot - to keep us going through the endless suffering! Myths designed to scare women from looking too deeply into the secrets of man. Frankly, I think this is a women's planet - but that's a story for another day! Pandora looked. Pandora saw. In other cat-out-of-the-bag news, Facebook, and the entire Suckerberg Pyramid of Power, experienced its biggest outage, ever, the other day - rumours suggest hacking, and the data of over a billion people, stolen. I wouldn't be surprised; people/humans/that guy who married Pandora don't know how valuable their data is to others. In news you may have missed, The Facebook Whitleblower has revealed her identity; Frances Haugen. Pandora! I'd Love to know her astrology. Whistleblowers usually have important activations of Galactic Centre. So what whistle did she blow? "The complaints say Facebook's own research shows that it amplifies hate, misinformation and political unrest - but the company hides what it knows. One complaint alleges that Facebook's Instagram harms teenage girls." So, you know, you have your phone. You might see only 100 pieces of content if you sit and scroll on for, you know, five minutes. But Facebook has thousands of options it could show you. Download my New Book!
It's the Libra New Moon at 24 Degrees, and The Festival of Navaratri (aka Navratri)!
In Sanskrit: Nava = 9 Ratri = Nights This is the way I learned it: The First 3 Nights belong to Kali The Second 3 Nights belong to Lakshmi The Last 3 Nights belong to Saraswati The 10th and Last Day belongs to the Victory of Creatrix Lalita: Liberation and Enlightenment! Kali governs letting go; composting; becoming one with the Universe and cutting the head off your ego! (She's always standing on the corpse of your temporary nature). You can keep it; but never let it take the Driver's Seat! Kali is like Pluto. Lakshmi is Riches. Blessed with and bestowing Divine Love, Beauty, Generosity, Radiance; and Physical, Spiritual, Emotional Abundance. She's like Venus. Saraswati is the Artist; she's Mercurial, writes, sings, crafts, creates, teaches, has many skills, and shares her wisdom with the world. Lalita is The Triple Goddess; whom you may be familiar with from my work, aka The Moirae. She is braided in every lineage. All Goddesses are ultimately Manifestations of the One Creatrix - no matter what you call her. She is like The Giant Mirrorball in the Sky, in the Disco of Life! Each glint, each mirror, is one of her Goddesses, one of her creations: you.
Long ago, one of my Goddess-Friends gifted this to me; today, I gift it to you!
Now, in Sanatan Dharma, there are always numerous discrepancies; most Hindus pronounce "W" as a "V" or "V" as "W" - so you may see words written as "Sarasvati, or Saraswati", or even "Laxmi" or "Lakshmi". One planet may rule a certain day of the festival - or a different day altogether! I looked at four different Navratri Articles, and not *one* of them had the same planetary order of Days. haha Since there are 9 Nights, and 9 Planets, it makes sense to me, that they would Radiate out from the Order of the Sun... However, if we are symbolically moving from Ignorance to Victorious Illumination - perhaps we begin in the darkness, and emerge in the Light. Lalita Loves it when you play; so play and celebrate however feels right for you! IF... Emerging from Darkness to Light, from Ignorance to Illumination, it might go in this order: ★ 1: Dark/New Moon: Moon ★ 2: Saturn ★ 3: Jupiter ★ 4: Mars ★ 5: Venus ★ 6: Mercury ★ 7: Ketu - South Node ★ 8: Rahu - North Node ★ 9: SUN I might meditate on this some more... maybe the South Node Follows the Moon... maybe there's an order somewhere that can explain things to me in a way that makes sense. Anyway, all of these discrepancies indicate that it's what is between the lines, and what's behind the words, that is truly important: concepts. Archetypes. Gnosis. Master of Consciousness, Nandhiji, shares this. The Nine Dimensions of the Goddess. To many Goddess Worshippers, this Festival is aka The Festival of Durga! Kali, Laxmi, and Saraswati are all manifestations of Her. I am also not sure, if some lineages are more esoteric, while others are more mainstream... None-the-less, this is how I learned it, and so this is how I celebrate ~ you are welcome to celebrate along with me, and to also bring your own gnosis! THIS POST WILL BE UPDATED THROUGHOUT NAVARATRI!
★ New Moon Meditation Degree ★
Wishing Death to Your Ego, and Victory to your Soul!NEED A DAKINI GUIDE FOR THIS FESTIVAL?
My spider-senses have been tingling, lately; louder, and louder, until I said to myself: "I wonder what Asteroids Arachne and Moira are doing at the moment... like, seriously?!"
Lo-and-Behold! She is about to have her Annual Dance in the Sun! In Virgo - The Sign of the Priestess. ...hovering somewhere between my North Node/Lilith conjunction, and Saturn. About 100x a week, I will write a word, and simultaneously, someone will say that same word... once is like "whatever... that was weird", but 100x is like, "OK". "YOU HAVE MY ATTENTION." Last night, I even hunted through all my boxes of storage, looking for a book I didn't even know if I still had, and had not laid eyes on, in about 10 years or more - I found it! lol. I couldn't believe it. The book was about Goddess Wisdom; "...particularly the goddesses associated with weaving the thread of life..."
If you know me, you know that I wrote my book, Following Moira, about The Weaver Goddess aka The Triple Goddess, aka The Moira aka... The Goddess of Many Names.
She is found in the energy of synchronicity, coincidence, intuition, timing, revelation, awakening, patterns, time-travel - or a good Act-Three in a movie, where everything ties together nicely, with no loose ends. And She works well with the WWW. - of course! (her organic energy was squashed by algorithms and false "coincidence" orchestrated by suckerberg and co) Keywords include: Serendipity. Kismet. Fate. Destiny. She is better at "show" than "tell"; she can be cryptic. She can confuse the novice; I should know, for I was one, once. One example would include right now: to be thinking of Asteroid Arachne, looking it up, only to find out she's having a birthday! What a stroke of Luck... Let's just say, she's a bit like Uranus conjunct Mercury-on-speed conjunct the Vertex and/or the North Node. She can be talented or tangled. Precise; Genius - or the shadow of those things. She is very sensitive to vibrations; changes in mood, weather, or direction. Even the territory of a yet-unseen wild dog, or a big, bad wolf. As always, manifestations depends on Initiation and Evolution. Do you know what you're doing or where you're going yet, or not? That is the question. - and I should know, because I've been lost and found, many times! I am happy to announce that I do know who I am; what I'm doing; and why I'm here. Part of that is telling you stories... You see, I have Arachne Rising in Sagittarius, conjunct Neptune. It goes like this: Neptune 17, Ascendant 18, Arachne 19. I also have a "pinball chart", with many asteroids, planets, and points at the 18/19 degree-mark; a Web, essentially. But I only found out about Arachne in 2014. I have been known to weave a tale or two, in my time... especially tales from the "otherside" (Neptune). Sagittarius is a Teacher, a Storyteller, a Philosopher, a Guru - it sees the Big Picture. How everything fits together - and it does.
Arachne and Moira are basically one-and-the-same, to me; they are always connected or connecting in some way.
Once upon a time, a beautiful young woman from Europe found my book online, and got in touch with me, because she related to the phenomena within it, and shared some of her stories with me ~ we experienced so much Moira together, that when I looked up our astrology, not only were Moira and Arachne transiting our Asteroids, but our Asteroids contacted each others' Asteroids! She was so smart and so beautiful; I was so honoured and amazed that the thread of The Weaver Goddess had somehow magically connected us, over land and seas... it made the awful parts of my journey suddenly beautiful, worthwhile, and rewarding. In March, 2016, I made this discovery: "SO... as FATE would have it, I just found out, that the male-person who features in my book, FOLLOWING MOIRA, had his *asteroid Moira* conjunct my Sun. Like, exactly. Now, I didn't make that a long story, in case you don't know what the hell I'm talking about... but I promise, it's an *amazing* story... #23Degrees #Virgo"
I was much more enthusiastic when I was younger; it's sad how much trauma takes from you - but it still can't take all the Magic.
Here is something I wrote about Moira, from July 7, 2014, when I discovered Arachne was conjunct my Neptune Rising in Sagittarius: (it may contain links to to the hell-place)
"I just read an amazing article on Authors, their characters, and Personal Asteroids (thanks,
Quynh!). After all this "Asteroid Potter" in J.K. Rowling's Chart; (and Hermoine opposite Grange; Rone opposite Wesely, etc), I thought: why not check out my Asteroid Following Moira? Part One: Asteroid MOIRA is CURRENTLY conjunct The SUN! (read: *~ MOIRA IS ILLUMINATED ~*) Long story short (following all the leads); ASTEROID ARACHNE (Weaver Goddess) is conjunct my AC! (I'm still so reeling, that I have yet to check the aspects, and read the things, and the stuff...) "Spider as Power Animal links to creation itself and in turn ‘fate’. Extreme talent seems to open a window into the heavens themselves. We get a glimpse of our true human potential and can be filled with a sense that there is something ‘beyond’ our experience. It is humbling and it can be frightening, hence the strong reactions of some. Whilst science seeks to pull back the veil to reveal the workings of creation, it often leads to more questions than answers. Spider medicine and Arachne tap into the unknowable, even what ‘should not’ be known. Arachne may connect to the concept of playing God. For many, Spider is a symbol of the ancient Mother Goddess, a divine feminine symbol. Perhaps this is why Spider has been feared and maligned. Arachne and Spider are also about the pattern you weave in your life – the sense you make of it, the tangles you create. It is the patience to weave and wait for your prey (your goals) to be fulfilled. The beautiful complex patterns of spider webs along with their incredible strength tap into the extraordinary beauty of the universe, the complexity and simplicity of the Greater Pattern and our part in the web of creation." *Ast. Arachne: This *may* sound like I am speaking, fluently, another language, entirely - but: Astrological Revelation; Uranus currently conjunct asteroid Arachne at her discovery in my chart. Which means, also, this "revelation" is trine herself in my chart! Trine? Picture: My Arachne at 9 o'clock Threaded to transiting Arachne at exactly "25 minutes past" (one arm of a triangle ~*) And so much more!! - if you've read my book, you'll know why ALL OF THIS is AMAZING!!! *~ MAGIC ~*"
The article was basically saying, that Authors usually have a prominent Asteroid connected to their Magnum Opus - only they don't know it at the time.
So hbu? Any magic going on for you atm? I hope so!
Well... what an era, huh. I don't even know where to begin...! So I made some Art.
This post is all about Aquarius: The Time-Traveller. As we journey through the 60's, 90's, and today, and visit some important dates, themes, and events in History, we will learn just how long people have been trying to anchor and ignite the Life, and Liberated Human Spirit on Earth. Aquarius isn't particularly known for being passionate. It's more of a "Danny-Zuko Cool"... kind of aloof; kind of detached - metallic. It's a conduit for a meta-electric current that buzzes above this realm, awakening the synapses to concepts of multiple futures that we can build, here, in the Material World. Without the grounding of that current, Aquarius can be an element of chaos; it brings shocks, surprises, sudden events, and revelations. Like a live-wire, it wants to charge something up, and change things, but doesn't know how to go about it. Sometimes it's just ⚡lightning⚡ - until we all wake up. Until we can all see in the dark. Saturn in Aquarius, however, "plugs in" to this realm. It grounds, channels, and makes manifest this current of information that awaits in the stratosphere; what a powerful, reality-changing combination! With Tantric-Twin, Leo, in its 7th Solar House (Horoscopes), Aquarius is actually passionate - about others; about what you want. The great celestial spotlight illuminates Aquarius' House of Relationships, Teamwork, Equality, Fairness, Partnership, Marriage, and Others: The Mirror. Aquarius is here for the Team, for working together, and for the invisible Bonds of Love. The Rage of Aquarius, is a Free Love.
Aquarius is so inclusive, it's not necessarily known for being a great one-on-one relationship partner; it's surfing a current of synchronicity, and sowing seeds of Love along the way - leaving them for other, safer, surer signs to nurture to full bloom.
On the 2020 March Equinox (22nd), Saturn moved into Aquarius, for the first time in about 30 Years. But only for a short visit! And what a visit it was... On the 11th of May, it went Retrograde; just shy of 2 degrees Aquarius. The last time Saturn was in Aquarius, was 1991 - 1993. When Saturn first moved into Aquarius, through the miracle of technology, the brutal police-beating of Rodney King went viral, and the human spirit erupted in protest against the sight of police brutality - which usually stays hidden in the shadows. But didn't the sight look all too familiar...? The time before that, Saturn was in Aquarius from 1962 - 1964. The early 60's sparked the burning-ember of the Rebellion and Awakening of that entire decade, as Pluto and Uranus built-up to a rare and epic conjunction; the purpose of which was to Upgrade the Soul, and integrate it into the body, and therefore the world. One manifestation was The Civil Rights Movement of America, which sought to undo the mistakes of the past, bring peace and equality, and liberate human beings from the chains of patriarchal enslavement. It's what the people always want. Vietnamese Monk - Thich Quang Duc - Self-Immolated in Saigon, after his Letters of Peace to the South Vietnamese Government failed, and the government continued to persecute and oppress the peaceful Buddhist community. Thanks to the miracle of technology, that image was captured in a photograph, forever. Time-Travelling, as Aquarius does. That sacrifice is his message to the world. That heavy, invisible hand of oppression assassinated people of peace, and sedated the population with heroin. This Karmic Cycle keeps repeating itself, and will again, until we fix it, and get it right. The time before that, was 1932-35 - known as "The Great Depression", which spread globally, uniting the whole world through trauma, and necessity, again; preparing for Unity Consciousness. Gandhi went on a hunger-strike in protest of the caste segregation in India, there was a Civil War in Cuba, and Einstein fled Nazi Germany stating that he "...shall live only in a country where civil liberty, tolerance, and equality...prevail." I can hear you asking - "...but what does it mean if I was born in those years?! What does it mean if I'm having my 1st or 2nd Saturn Return in Aquarius?!" "Do not ask what reality can do for you, but what you can do for reality." Dear Saturn in Aquarius: you are a genius, and the world needs your expertise. As we can see throughout history, this has proven to be a very Karmic Cycle, so you will need to do some time-travelling - to the past and future - to find the clues and the neverending current that connects us all. (I made you a Mix-Tape to keep you connected to the vibe; it's down below? ) Present Day: Saturn has some "unfinished business" in Capricorn, where it will re-activate the Critical Degree on June 2nd, 2020. But Saturn in Aquarius - The Time Traveller - has awakened us to the kind of future we can build, once we address the Karma of the past; the kind that will rear its head over and over until it's dealt with. On the 29th September, 2020, Saturn goes Direct, again, at 25 Degrees Capricorn, still orbiting the aura of the Pandemic Stellium, involving Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn; all of whom are not quite finished, there. This is an epic time, friends. This is a massive overhaul of our reality, and a call to our collective evolution as a planet, as a species. First, the Pandemic united consciousness, waking Human Beings from their slumber, and complacency. "The Great American Dream", I call it. Some call it Maya. People, dreaming, in their individual bubbles, have NO IDEA of real reality. But, thanks to the pandemic, and the hundreds of thousands of actual human beings it's wiped off the face of the earth, we are all finally sharing the same, real-reality - regardless of our different perceptions of it. Once the collective-mind is Unified, only then there is a spotlight/audience for highlighting the most pressing issues facing the human race: The Patriarchy. A Pyramid of Power. Capped by (more often than not) an old, white guy.
Mainstream Media continues to sway the story in the direction it wants it to go; it Loves the drama, and sensationalism, but thanks to the modern-miracle of social media, we can ALL have a voice; even the more esoteric of us.
For example, in Australia, the "Leader" keeps stressing: "we're facing two crises - a health crisis, and an economic crisis." He keeps driving that home... but really, the only real crisis, is the health crisis, where real people are really dying. The other one isn't real - it's made-up. It's an artificial algorithm of human enslavement. Look at it: rich people hoard money that artificially multiplies while they sleep. There's also this great Twitter thread by: Has Jeff Bezos Decided to End World Hunger? Poor people spend more money than they are physically able to earn; there aren't enough hours in the day - where does their experience of life go? Chasing paper... That's right, paper. It's not even gold, anymore. And I'm not talking about not contributing to society, in some way, or pursuing a vocation, or fulfilling a destiny - but most people are not doing that. So many don't have a choice, because they are on the bottom of the Patriarchal Pyramid; trampled on. Surprise: if you're in a position of power, you're a public-servant - listen, and serve. You're not a dictator, a tyrant, or an ego-maniac to be obeyed. NO; Hear it. Economic inequality has been illuminated during the pandemic, and even people who thought they were doing everything right, now know the powerlessness, inevitability, and suffering of the lower-class. What is truly valuable, must be re-evaluated. Personally, for the most part, I feel like I've seen humans around me transcend; even some leaders, news anchors, and journalists. Allies. In the Age of "political correctness" there are so many "buzz" words being thrown around, that they lose power, and become repelling. But we're going to talk about Allies. If you've been paying close attention to reality, you may have noticed a systemic destruction of Indigenous Peoples, all over the globe. Harmonious cultures, that live as one with nature. So what is an "ally"? An Ally is a friend. Aquarius is always a friend. Indigenous peoples need friends to help magnify their voices and messages, because so much genocide has been committed against them, to the point that some Tribes in the Amazon have gone extinct, and - according to the last census I read - only 2% of the Australian Population are First Peoples. Genocide. I went diving into the data of genocide, one day; among statistics, percentages, numbers and figures, I was trying to see who had caused the most death: Stalin? Hitler? America? Australia? Japan? Brazil? China? It's not pleasant to explore, by any means; you feel like Leeloo from The Fifth Element, studying the Alphabet of Earth.
Larger numbers don't always compare to a significant percentage of a people; for example, in the Indigenous People of Brazil Genocides, from 1900-1985, 87 of 230 Tribes went extinct. That's 100% of those Indigenous People. Gone, forever - murdered.
Erased. One time, I watched a documentary that said about 80% of Pharmaceuticals are actually derived from Plants in the Amazon; a wise peoples, a wise land, no doubt. A magnificent planet. Just to highlight a few - it's ugly, but the time for looking away is over; it's how people get away with murder. Or Genocide. Or Enslavement. Or World Domination. Or all of the above. - usually the paperwork on genocides goes missing, and history is written by the victors, so the numbers are approximate. You can always research some more if you wish. Stalin is responsible for the deaths of around 20 Million human individuals. Mao massacred up to 46 million people in four years. Hitler's reign extinguished 2/3rds Jewish People - around 6 Million in the Holocaust, and 13 Million other European humans during WWII. 99% Cambodian Vietnamese, out of 33% of the entire Cambodian population. Almost all the monks and nuns of Tibet murdered by the Chinese. 25% of Poland. 50% of the Armenian Population were murdered by the Ottoman Empire. 50% of the First Australians were murdered during the invasion. Almost the entire Creole population was wiped out in the Haiti Genocide. 40% of the Pagan Irish during the genocide. 95% of the peaceful Moriori in Chatham Islands near New Zealand were (mostly) eaten by another, more brutal Maori Tribe. And a rough guess would be to say that 90% of the Native American peoples had been wiped off the face of the earth over 100 years; most of them over a 40 year period. Imagine what that does to survivors. So, who speaks for those who have been murdered, erased, or silenced? AQUARIUS.
Aquarius: Humanitarian?
Or just in a Relationship with Life! Reclaim the streets; your streets - our streets. Reclaim Life, Land, Health, Freedom, Friendship. But make it a Party - Love - not war. Let's all celebrate Life while we're in it. Flower-Power! Also, here's an important little thread I made on Twitter about duality consciousness. Aquarius prepares you - and your brain - for Unity Consciousness; Pisces - which comes next in the Cosmic Order of things. Break the Cycle. And rebuild a better one.
Here's Your Mix-Tape to keep you connected to the Aquarian Vibes!
I made you a fancy cd cover for keeps, and so you'd have the Track-List, since it's hosted on YouTube, and sometimes they delete videos, and you're left wondering: "what was this blank and missing track?!"
Other annoying things about YouTube include: ads, and auto-pause. But neverfear! If you're using desktop, you can add some extensions to your browser, like AdblockPlus to block ALL ads, and just do a search for the other one; new ones are always popping up. (The Tantric Tango of Freedom and Control) What I do like about YouTube, are the comments section; occasionally you learn something cool. Like underneath the Billie Holiday Track. *~ Movie Night ~*
Have something you'd like to share?
Feel FREE to add any comments below; any Awakening Film suggestions, or Aquarian Tracks - and please share this post with your Aquarian Networks!
Stardate 1
So I’d like to be helpful in this Apocalypse, but I’m having trouble concentrating.
Even though I was born for this. I have about 3 or more articles floating around in my brain, and all blending into each other; one is about Astrology; one is helpful; one is instructional - and another is all about me. So I’ve decided to start with me, to clear the way for the rest that wants to come out. Me, I’m fine. I self-isolate, often. You see, the world has already ended for me, several times; it was often hard to reconcile why it kept moving, outside - where was this hamster-wheel going, so fast, in no direction at all? Just round and round, as Samsara goes. I actually feel relieved... and a little bit excited, to tell you the Truth. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want anyone to die - however, I understand that life and death are inseparable. But I was born for this Apocalypse. I feel so relieved it’s finally here. The Hamster-Wheel needed to STOP. And me, personally, I have needed to talk about the looming Apocalypse for a long time… I wasn’t sure “when” it was coming, or how it would manifest, but I am aligned with The Great Unfolding, and there was a Date: The Saturn/Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn (more on this, later). I had tried to prime my various therapists for the conversation - not dumping it on them immediately, but gradually exploring the timeline of what happened when my world ended, and what I found on the other side - but no one was willing. I gave them print-outs (like this one) but they kept thinking small (shrinking - lol). No one would actually sit with me in Satsang. They wanted to talk to me about “being present in the moment” - using pre-recorded tools, that actually prevented them from being present with me in the moment. Ironically, I am absolutely excellent at providing Satsang for others; but I can never find anyone for me. Everyone’s so preoccupied, pre-conditioned, busy, distracted - and a lot of people are quite shallow; kiddy-pools of spirituality; innocent. People have feared my depths. I am an Astrologer, a Tantric Priestess, and an Oracle. I am a canary in a coal mine. I work for The Goddess, The Great Unfolding, and the Liberation of all beings from the various forms of slavery and illusion that exist in Samsara. Being embodied, I am also a victim/survivor of great trauma, which has fried my nervous system and brain, a little bit. The body is vincible. As a practitioner of the metaphysical arts, that are usually dominated by male-gurus, it’s almost impossible to find anyone qualified to help with the damage that is caused to the female-body, through rape, and various other acts of violence. I will not name names, but some of the answers these gurus offer are just as damaging; I may go so far as to say verbal and/or psychological violence. Impressionable minds deserve better. The Future deserves better. A lot of these male-gurus get to cultivate Qi and Siddhis in peace, and do not suffer the same black-lightning and interruptions that enlightened women do, that interfere with the development of Her Immortal Body - the one that can push rapists and bullets away without physical contact. Short of moving to a Shaolin Temple, what’s a Priestess from the West supposed to do? So, The Apocalypse is here, and I am relieved. In my time on Earth, I have been raped a lot, and homeless, a lot; it got to the point where I had ended. The ego, the individual, the person. I was nothing but a Vessel for the Divine - because I rejected any other invitations. What was left of this vessel, was to see the world as it actually was - the two main issues were rape, and homelessness. These were not my individual problems; they were illnesses of the world. There was nothing that I did, or contributed to, that attracted or invited rape - rapists are the ones doing the doing. I literally could go no further until that was acknowledged. I tried to tell this to therapists - but they still couldn’t hear me. The rape of women, and the planet, are the same beast. The Rape of The Goddess. Predominantly and statistically, it is males raping everyone; women, children, men, animals, and the planet. (just search “rape”, and hit “news” for a week, and you’ll see) They do it for sport. Women who rape (and murder) have usually been sexually assaulted by Adult-Males as children. They become infected with his violence. There are way too many statistics like: “69,000 female, 9,000 male rape victims per year” and not enough WHO; who’s doing the raping? Mr. Invisible? That’s where the focus needs to be; the root of the problem. Globally, and socially, it’s sick, dangerous, and unacceptable. Homelessness is the result of the rape of the planet. Home, where we are all quarantined, right now, is The Goddess. The Temple. The Womb. So how is it? Can you find her in your space? Is it Sacred in there? These are the things I needed to talk about with a therapist; The Big Picture. The core issues. Because I have solutions, and I need someone to help me be useful. But no one would let me talk about the Apocalypse. THANK GODDESS ROSE MCGOWAN CAME ALONG…
She changed the world.
As mentioned in this article, there have always been women, working in the background, building movements and causes, refusing to be silenced, but lacking the spotlight; a platform; a group-mind. Myself, included. But Rose changed everything (Uranus conjunct Venus), and Alyssa magnified it (Neptune conjunct Venus) - and then the Light - the current - spread… everyone ready for an Apocalypse rose up. That was the first sign. I couldn’t believe it; I had a therapist at the time, and I tried to use that event to say: “See? See what I’ve been saying? It’s a WORLD ISSUE - I was right, and I know what I’m talking about. Now I can move a step forward...” No one ever talks about the Siddhis that are sometimes borne of trauma. Oracles, psychics, clairvoyants, mediums, empaths… So since rape had revealed itself to indeed be a Global Issue, I tried to talk about the rape of the planet. Because I have solutions. And I need to talk about them, and implement them as soon as possible, because the world is terrible, but Rose McGowan made it better, and pierced a hole in the veil of Maya. The True Light is leaking out. However, I ended things with my therapist on that note, because I sensed she wanted me to go away. The very next day, the children of the world, led by Greta Thunberg, protested Patriarchal Rape of the planet, all over the world. THANK GODDESS GRETA THUNBERG CAME ALONG… That was the second sign. I was like, fuck - I really need to talk to someone about my solutions for how to improve the world. Meanwhile, I’m still dealing with C-PTSD, homelessness, and the general threat of rape, violence, or assault, every time I go outside. I’m not completely functional, nor secure, and that’s distressing to my nervous system. My Soul-Purpose is piling up in my head… new information keeps coming, and I can’t structure it, or get it out, in time. I used to have men online like to tell me I was exaggerating about sexual assaults - well, 1) I’m not. 2) I’m telling MY story, bro - your input on whether you believe it is not required. Whatever happened to listening? To compassion? To being a Sacred Space for others, and deciding to make the world a better place for all? Ignoring Mr. Invisible doesn't make him go away. One solution I created for homelessness. Another was for world management, locally and globally - all very fun, voluntary, organic, and not new-world-ordery, at all. I wrote a designed proposal for world governance, that is basically the Feng Shui of the planet, and planetary affairs. It’s a blend of Tribal Lore, and Modern Technology. I even have solutions for the rape epidemic that spans the globe. These women have created a fantastic solution. And then there are things I can’t write about. Even some things I can’t talk about, that I have to find creative channels for. The third sign of an impending Apocalypse, for me, was the Bushfires in Australia. So then comes along the coronavirus pandemic… something most of us have never seen before, in our lifetimes. Whether it’s bio-warfare, human error, or nature, who can say… but The Apocalypse is here. To stop the Hamster-Wheel; if anyone wants to get off. The Canary in the Coal Mine is an Oracle; some of us are like that.
I can't remember a time when we have ALL been focussed on the one thing... not since 911.
I said to my friend: "I can't believe PJ Harvey and I are thinking about the same thing..." Not since the war; which I wasn't here for. It's an incredibly powerful time for consciousness and meditation and mantras when we are unified. My New Favourite ThingI Made Lana a Present.
Stardate 2
After being taken care of all day, I'm almost ready to take care of you.
From the 23rd of March, I haven't been able to breathe - two-weeks.
I'm not good at identifying what constitutes an emergency, when it comes to me; I'm usually the helper, but over the last few years, I've fallen into being the helped. I had Chiron oppose my Virgo Stellium throughout its whole journey through Pisces. Along with Neptune; which hasn't even finished, yet. Three women with the exact same birthday got sick, and one died. I'm surprised I'm still alive.
I only go to hospital when I'm in too much pain to live, or I'm convinced I'm about to die, and am uncertain of what to do about my body.
I knew I would feel so embarrassed if I was just having a panic-attack; I spoke to my doctor about it... I suggested that, being an empath, what if the whole world was having a panic-attack inside my chest? Since she knows me, she got was I was saying, and finished our sentence. She affirmed: "The whole world's having a panic attack!" Because, actually, my mind was fine; I was relieved about The Apocalypse. But my body - which belongs to this world - felt like it was dying; a fish without water. And it's such a vulnerable and inevitable feeling. You are soon to be just meat, rotting quickly.
I had to tell the Doctor in the E.R. that I was an Empath, and was "probably" just having a panic-attack, but that it had been going for two-weeks, and that if it was a panic-attack, there had never been a panic-attack quite like this one. - you know, an Apocalyptic panic-attack!
He asked me if I'd seen THE WATCHMEN; usually I'm the one asking people about movies and things, so that was cool. I'd always identified with Dr. Manhattan.
I nodded a quiet Yes.
He stopped, stood, and stated: "It takes a crisis to bring people together." Usually I'm the one teaching. I Understood. Home. I felt horrified at the thought of being in America... the country I'm in cares about human life; for now. It was like a 5 Star experience - apart from all the jabbing, and spilled-blood - I even got a free & nutritious meal, and the most perfect drink of cordial, ever. The temperature and taste was fantastic. It was like liquid gold. My E.R. Doctor and I talked about the tv show, SCRUBS, and he goes: "I can tell you, the dynamic between everyone is real." I pointed out the writer based it on his medical student days. As an empath, I did notice one "ego-performance" from the head nurse, which was strange to witness... she'd just been in the newspaper, and was high-as-a-kite about it. A sweet and Lovely woman who had recently suffered a stroke, and had private health insurance was right opposite me. She was about to be airlifted to another hospital; the head-nurse gave her 110%, and lightly flirted with the male-medics who had come to transfer her. She had no time for me, and she wasn't awful; I'm sure she earned her role, and her news-worthy moment, but as an empath, it's interesting to see someone changed - bloated - by their ego, and it's interesting to see those who are genuinely compassionate and caring. People may start out that way, and end up another. My nurse was beautiful; compassionate and caring, and shared her stories of high-anxiety with me. She puts a meditation on before bed. I told her she was probably a bit psychic, just didn't know it yet; that my being here, meant things were quite bad out there. And even if I was having a panic attack, my doctor and my nurse treated me like I was someone who just needed some time to be cared for and safe, and told me they had to test for everything, just in case. So I was there a long time... It was kind of a relief to learn that I had perfect Lungs and a perfect Heart. I'll be ok for a while with that knowledge. I found being cared-for, in a private, curtained-off bed, down the end of the room, to be somewhat of a religious experience... there is so much peace, stillness, and surrender. Pain and Pain-Relief. And an angelic twinkle hovering on the ceiling, watching over us, and waiting to take some of us home. |
AuthorMardi Shakti is a Tantric Priestess | Astrologer | and Destiny Coach. Read More from the Blog
June 2023
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